
E Learning in Today s Digital Age The Future of Education

The concept of education has radically changed in the last couple of years. A significant change was experienced during the lockdown imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic. Many of my friends who only had Spectrum’s cable services service bought Spectrum Internet as well to continue education at home. It’s quite evident that classroom learning is not the only option anymore. If you have Internet access, it’s easy to get a quality education wherever you are whenever you want.

A survey from the Babson Survey Research group says that 30% of the higher education students in the United States are taking at least one distance course. With e-learning, students can experience an interactive educational experience. They are educated through accredited learning providers. E-learning is not just for students, but for companies that want to deliver distance training to their staff or those that want to resell their training programs.

The Trend and Acceptability of E-Learning
A majority of academic leaders say that online distance learning is an important part of their long-term strategy. The trend is on the rise. Even the leading institutes are offering MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) to students throughout the world. Some students are participating in blended courses that include in-classroom experience as well as online distance learning.

E-learning existed for a while, but it has opened a new Spectrum called ODL (Open and Distance Learning). It’s a general term used to provide enhanced learning. During the lockdown, the academic community is forced to discover and explore the internet and search for means to create an extended classroom or learning experience. Students in Australia are earning degrees from universities in the UK, and primary grade students are exchanging emails across continents for supplementing their studies. Students and teachers are taking part in teleconferences to form associations. None of this existed 5 years ago.

Features of E-Learning
As the distance learning growth rate is accelerating, these are the benefits people are experiencing worldwide:

It’s Flexible
E-learning is a flexible way to learn for teachers and students alike. Both parties can create a schedule that fits everyone’s agenda. With an online education platform, everyone can balance work and studies. This eliminates the need for giving up.

Online education also teaches time management skills and builds a balanced work and study strategy. Also, both parties get to accept new responsibilities and have some autonomy at the same time.

A Wide Selection of Programs
The Internet has made one thing clear. There are infinite subjects and skills to learn and teach. If a course is not available in your home country, it doesn’t mean you would have to give up on your dreams. You now have the choice to enroll in the online version of programs offered by different schools at various levels and disciplines.

From music to Quantum Physics, the options are unlimited. Apart from getting a degree, you could go for a diploma or a certificate without setting your foot on the university's campus.

The Accessibility
E-learning allows you to study and teach from anywhere in the world. It has made education more accessible and removed commute. The virtual classroom can be accessed from anywhere in the world. You can continue your education even if you are on the go.

Customized Learning
Flexibility lets you set your study at your own pace. But e-learning is also flexible for the individual requirement and abilities of a student. The number of students enrolled in an online class is less compared to a traditional class. Some e-learning platforms also allow one student at a time. This allows greater interaction and a better exchange of feedback between the tutor and the student. Such a customized experience is hard to find in traditional classrooms.

You get access to diverse materials like eBooks, photos, and videos. Some tutors also create forums to hold discussions and improve learning. The extra content is available for all from anywhere, which is an excellent opportunity to get tailor-made and dynamic education.

It’s Cost-Effective
This one’s obvious. Although some courses are expensive, you could be saving a significant amount of money on the commute and class material. The monetary investment is less costly. Many online institutes have discounts and scholarships available. Some also have a wide range of payment options available to let you pay the fee in installments.

It’s encouraging to see the upward trend of e-learning as more and more students are taking advantage of the opportunity of flexible and high-quality education from the comfort of their time. During the first nationwide lockdown, unlike my brother who spent his time watching Spectrum TV, I took a photography class at a bargain from a professional in Canada. You could do the same!

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