Perks of Getting EPR License in India
EPR License is the license to freely manufacture electronic products or deal with electronic waste without the central pollution control board breathing down your neck.
Why does this license sound cynical?
It’s because getting EPR registration is not an optional matter. If you’re an e-waste management company or electronics manufacture, you hold the responsibility to not just sell your products, but also deal with electronic waste. It’s an added responsibility that many tend to shrug off. That’s the reason the license sounds such a cynical one.
However, that’s not the only case. When you take on the case of EPR registration, you also get access to many perks. This article is an explanation of those perks. It’s an explanation of the benefits you’ll get once you obtain an EPR registration certificate.
You’ll understand the value of the products you’re producing
it sounds like a condensing thing to say, but if you’re not actually working alongside workers, you don’t realize the value of the work that you do. EPR certification forces you to look into your electronic products. It compels you to go downstairs among your manufacturing machines and see how the product is made. When you know how the product is made, you’ll also know the waste that it generates. It can spring you into action to take care of the environment.
You’ll be chosen by your customers
The customer of today is a concerned citizen. They care for the environment. If your negligence leads to the environment’s deterioration, they can make a rational choice not to buy from you. Getting an EPR certificate has the reverse effect. Having that certificate means that you care for the environment. Your customer knows that when their product expires, you’ll be there to either dispose of or recycle it. It gives a customer a chance to give to the environment and you a chance to make room for your brand in your customer’s heart.
The process of EPR registration online is an easy one
Getting EPR registration online is a possibility. However, because the certificate is an important one, the standard EPR registration process contains both online and offline procedures. The online mode will take you to the page where you can file the application and submit the fees. While the offline mode will have you submit the hardcopy of your filed application to the state-level department of CPCB so that your application can be processed properly.
It incentives your business
EPR certificate full form is Extended Producer Responsibility certificate. And when there is a responsibility, there are also rights. With the certificate, you get the rights to sell the e-waste products to recyclers to earn some extra money on the side. However, if your entrepreneurial mindset is even more active, you can recycle the raw materials from the Electronic wastes and use them to manufacture new components.
It lets you start a business of importing e-waste
Over the years, you might have come across businesses whose job is to import electronic wastes from other countries. At first glance, the entire business prospect sounds wasteful pun intended. I mean, what’s the scope there is in importing E-waste in India. It turns out that there is a lot of scopes. Big electronic manufacturing companies get into agreement with those who have EPR certificates for Import in India. Their goal is to let the importers recycle the product and sell the raw materials. Companies can use these recycled raw materials which are cheaper than original materials to get better ROI on their products.
Understanding the aesthetic and environmental value of your product is important. It’s also important that customers prefer your products. EPR certificate means incentivizing your business by enhancing customer’s trust and involving yourself in an environment-friendly business. That’s why, you want to acquire EPR registration, for import or otherwise, you should contact our experts.
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